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Railroads and vendors joining together to promote safety and training in the rail industry...
Contact one of our team members:
Ken Naylor
CELTS Railroad Consulting Associates, LLC
(307) 220-7878
Brian Brundige
Railway Educational Bureau
(402) 449-1676
Kathy Fasso
Port of Montana
(406) 723-4321
Tim Smith
D&I Railroad
(605) 212-0900
Deanna Koopman
D&I Railroad
(605) 212-6018
Josh Thorson
Twin Cities & Western Railroad
(320) 510-4477
Beth Lynn
Via Rail Engineering
(605) 651-1363
Eric Hegstrom
Northern Plains Railroad
Tom Murta
Short Line Safety Institute
Let us know if you have a question, any suggestions, speakers you would like to see at the next conference, or just to let us know how much you enjoyed our last conference. We want to hear from you!
Drop us a line...
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